We rate web shops on a scale of 1 to 10 and verified opinions have more weight in calculating the rating.
In calculating the rating we take into account the opinions and ratings of actual customers.
9.0 - 10.0 Excellent
8.0 - 8.9 Very good
7.0 - 7.9 Good
6.0 - 6.9 Satisfactory
To 5.9 Poor (We take certificate from seller)
CERTIFIED SHOP® PREMIUM is labeled by shops that have collected at least 50 actual customer surveys and conducted all the necessary analyzes to ensure a positive rating and thus a secure purchase. You can recognize them by the CERTIFIED SHOP® PREMIUM mark and a rating of 6 to 10, which indicates successful certification and security of purchase.
The CERTIFIED SHOP® LITE label is carried by web shops that are still in the process of collecting surveys of verified customers and have conducted all the necessary analyzes to ensure a secure purchase. You can recognize them by the CERTIFIED SHOP® LITE label and a check mark that indicates successful certification and guarantees a secure purchase.
List of web shops
We are committed to protect all web retailers and customers and we guarantee for the opinions left by verified customers. We rate web shops on a scale of 1 to 10 and verified opinions have more weight in calculating the rating.
We calculate the shop rating on a daily basis based on all collected customer opinions that meet the standards.